Mar 2, 2023Liked by Brianna Zigler

I don't have anything that can help you out Bri, but I always connect with your writing, even (or maybe especially) when you're writing about your difficulty writing your newsletter! Always look forward to reading these and anything else you put out there. Hope that maybe helps a tiny bit

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Brianna Zigler

I absolutely hate free writes, but they always work for me and get the creative wheels turning, which is awfully annoying as well as awfully helpful. I've found that free writing about my seed idea of the moment (ooh, I'd love to one day write about a blah blah blah) usually spins me off in a productive direction into the actual themes and messages I want to currently write about. Which, again, annoyingly helpful.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Brianna Zigler

I feel you on the struggle to write. College was such a great time to pursue creative writing because of the deadlines and the mentors, but---most importantly---the structure of college life afforded time to actually write. Right now I'm working full time with a wildly inconsistent week-to-week schedule, which makes planning a routine for my time off a nightmare. Just recently, I decided to start writing creatively again, and to force myself into it, I've structured my writing schedule to fit with a TV writing contest. One way or another, I'm going to have a pilot finished and submitted by the deadline. If you can find a contest or exhibition with a strict deadline, that might help inspire you to write again!

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